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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


addCostText - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to add a MenuItem
addItem - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button that will add an item
addItem() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Adds an item to the inventory database
addItem(String, double) - Method in class Items.Order
Add an item to the order
addItemButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
addItemClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
If item doesn't exist, it adds it to menu table and adds its recipe to the recipeitem table
addItemName - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TextField that allows user input to add an item
addItemQuant - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TextField that allows user input to add an item
addItemsToRecipe(Map<Long, Long>, long) - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Adds items to the recipe table
addNameText - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to add a MenuItem
addRecipeText - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to add a MenuItem
addRowOnClick() - Method in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Adds a click event to each OrderRow in table to display order details


backspace - Variable in class Controller.LoginController


clearTextFields() - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Reset all text fields that get user input for editing a menu item to null
clearTextFields() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Reset all text fields that get user input for editing a menu item to null
conn - Variable in class Utils.DatabaseConnect
Connection to the server
Controller - package Controller
This package holds the Controller for JavaFX
CONVERTER - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
StringConverter of LocalDate to format the date
customerName - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
TableColumn to display customer name
customerName - Variable in class Items.Order
String holding the name of the customer who made the order
customerName - Variable in class Items.OrderRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the customer making the order.
customerName - Variable in class Utils.SessionData
Name of the customer
customerNameField - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Text field to input the customer's name


database - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Connection to the database
database - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Connection to the database
database - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Connection to the database
database - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
Connection to the database
database - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Connection to the database
database - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Connection to the database
database - Variable in class Utils.SessionData
Connection to the database
DatabaseConnect - Class in Utils
This class establishes a connection to the database and performs queries.
Additionally, it will update the Inventory automatically based on Order.
DatabaseConnect(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Utils.DatabaseConnect
Construct a connection to the database
databaseInitializer() - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Initalize the connection to the database
DatabaseLoginInfo - Class in Utils
Holds information to connect to the database
DatabaseLoginInfo() - Constructor for class Utils.DatabaseLoginInfo
DatabaseNames - Class in Utils
Names of all the databases in this project
DatabaseNames() - Constructor for class Utils.DatabaseNames
DatabaseUtils - Class in Utils
Utilities for the database.
DatabaseUtils() - Constructor for class Utils.DatabaseUtils
dataTrendsButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button Button to navigate to the data trends scene
dataTrendsButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Button Button to navigate to the data trends scene
dataTrendsButton - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Button Button to navigate to the data trends scene
dataTrendsButton - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button Button to navigate to the data trends scene
dataTrendsButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button Button to navigate data trends scene
dataTrendsButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Button Button to navigate to the data trends scene
dataTrendsController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
DataTrendsController to load the menu editting window
DataTrendsController - Class in Controller
This class handles the data trends scene/tab of the GUI
DataTrendsController(SessionData) - Constructor for class Controller.DataTrendsController
date - Variable in class Items.Order
LocalDateTime holding the current date
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
dateCreated - Variable in class Items.ZRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Date storing the date the z-row entry was created
dbConnectionString - Variable in class Utils.DatabaseConnect
String that connects to the server
dbConnectionString - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseLoginInfo
This will establish a connection to the dabase
deleteItem - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button that will delete the item
deleteItem() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Deletes an item from the database
deleteItemButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
deleteItemClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Remove item from menu table and recipe item table if it exists
deleteItemID - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to remove a MenuItem
deleteItemID - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TextField that allows user input to delete an item


editMenuButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button Button to navigate edit menu scene
editMenuButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Button Button to navigate edit menu scene
editMenuButton - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Button Button to navigate edit menu scene
editMenuButton - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button Button to navigate edit menu scene
editMenuButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button Button to navigate edit menu scene
editMenuButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Button Button to navigate edit menu scene
editMenuController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
EditMenuController to load the menu editting window
EditMenuController - Class in Controller
Controller for the Edit Menu Screen
EditMenuController() - Constructor for class Controller.EditMenuController
Default constructor to prevent errors
EditMenuController(SessionData) - Constructor for class Controller.EditMenuController
Allows for passing session data from scene to scene
employee - Variable in class Items.ZRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String storing the name of the Employee
EMPLOYEE_DATABASE - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseNames
The name of the Employee Database
employeeController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
OrderController to load the Order window
EmployeeController - Class in Controller
Controller for the Employee Screen
EmployeeController(SessionData) - Constructor for class Controller.EmployeeController
employeeId - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
ID number of the employee completing the order
employeeId - Variable in class Items.Order
Identification number of the employee who created the order
employeeId - Variable in class Utils.SessionData
Identification number of the employee
employeeName - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
TableColumn displaying the name of all Employees
employeeName - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
TableColumn to display employee name
employeeName - Variable in class Items.EmployeeRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String storing the name of the Employee
employeeName - Variable in class Items.OrderRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the employee completing the order
employeePin - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
TableColumn displaying the pin number of all Employees
employeePin - Variable in class Items.EmployeeRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Integer storing the pin of the Employee
EmployeeRole - Enum Class in Utils
Role of the Employee logging in
EmployeeRole() - Constructor for enum class Utils.EmployeeRole
EmployeeRow - Class in Items
Controller for the Employee List screen.
EmployeeRow(long, String, EmployeeRole, int) - Constructor for class Items.EmployeeRow
employeesButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button Button to navigate employees scene
employeesButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Button Button to navigate employees scene
employeesButton - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Button Button to navigate employees scene
employeesButton - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button Button to navigate employees scene
employeesButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button Button to navigate employees scene
employeesButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Button Button to navigate employees scene
employeeTable - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
TableView of EmployeeRow to display the Employee database
excessReportController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
ExcessReport to load the excess report window
executeQuery(String) - Method in class Utils.DatabaseConnect
Execute a SQL query.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class Utils.DatabaseConnect
Handles the UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE SQL query.


getCustomerName() - Method in class Items.Order
getDate() - Method in class Items.Order
getDate() - Method in class Items.OrderRow
getDateCreated() - Method in class Items.ZRow
Gets the value of dateCreated
getEmployee() - Method in class Items.ZRow
Gets value in employee
getEmployeeId() - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Determine the ID of the employee that logged in.
getEmployeeId() - Method in class Items.Order
getEmployeeName() - Method in class Items.OrderRow
getEmployeeName(DatabaseConnect, long) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Gets the employee name from the database based on the employee ID
getEmployees() - Method in class Controller.EmployeeController
Gets all Employees in the database
getId() - Method in class Items.InventoryItem
getId() - Method in class Items.InventoryUsage
getId() - Method in class Items.MenuItem
getId() - Method in class Items.RestockReportRow
getId() - Method in class Items.SalesReportRow
getInventory() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Helper method to retreive all items from the Inventory.
getItemCount() - Method in class Items.Order
Update GUI to current item count
getItemCount(String) - Method in class Items.Order
Gets the number of an item within Order.items
getItems() - Method in class Items.Order
getLastId(DatabaseConnect, String) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Returns the last ID in a given table
getMenuCost(DatabaseConnect, String) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Gets the menu cost from the database based on the menu name
getMenuId(DatabaseConnect, long) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Gets the Menu IDs from the database based on the order ID
getMenuItem1() - Method in class Items.SalesTogetherRow
getMenuItem2() - Method in class Items.SalesTogetherRow
getMenuItemCost(long) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Returns the COST of a menu item given its ID
getMenuItemId(String) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Returns the ID of a menu item given its NAME
getMenuItemName(long) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Returns the NAME of a menu item given its ID
getMenuItems() - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Gets all menu items from the database
getMenuItems(DatabaseConnect, List<Long>) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Gets the menu items from the database based on Menu IDs
getMenuUse(DatabaseConnect, String, String) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Gets the menu items ordered from the start to the end date.
getName() - Method in class Items.EmployeeRow
Gets the SimpleObjectProperty of EmployeeRow.employeeName
getName() - Method in class Items.InventoryItem
getName() - Method in class Items.InventoryUsage
getName() - Method in class Items.MenuItem
getName() - Method in class Items.OrderRow
getName() - Method in class Items.RestockReportRow
getName() - Method in class Items.SalesReportRow
getNumSold() - Method in class Items.MenuItem
getNumSold() - Method in class Items.SalesReportRow
getNumSold() - Method in class Items.SalesTogetherRow
getOrderID() - Method in class Items.Order
getOrderID() - Method in class Items.OrderRow
getOrderID() - Method in class Items.ZRow
Gets value in orderID
getOrders() - Method in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Gets the last 20 orders from the database
getOrderTotal() - Method in class Items.OrderRow
getPIN() - Method in class Items.EmployeeRow
Gets the SimpleObjectProperty of EmployeeRow.employeePin
getPrice() - Method in class Items.MenuItem
getPrice() - Method in class Items.OrderRow
getQuantity() - Method in class Items.InventoryItem
getQuantity() - Method in class Items.InventoryUsage
getQuantity() - Method in class Items.RestockReportRow
getRandomID() - Method in class Items.EmployeeRow
Gets the SimpleObjectProperty of EmployeeRow.randomID
getReportID() - Method in class Items.ZRow
Gets value in reportID
getRole() - Method in class Items.EmployeeRow
Gets the SimpleObjectProperty of EmployeeRow.role
getTotalCost() - Method in class Items.Order
getTotalSales() - Method in class Items.ZRow
Gets the value in totalSales


hasItem(DatabaseConnect, long, String) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Check if an item exists with in the database


id - Variable in class Items.InventoryItem
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the identification number
id - Variable in class Items.InventoryUsage
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the identification number
id - Variable in class Items.MenuItem
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the indentification number of the Menu Item
id - Variable in class Items.RestockReportRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Integer holding the identification number of the item.
id - Variable in class Items.SalesReportRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the indentification number of the Menu Item
initialize() - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Loads menu items onto screen from database.
initialize() - Method in class Controller.EmployeeController
initialize() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Initialize Graphical User Interface
initialize() - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Inialize the connection to the database.
initialize() - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Set up page.
initialize() - Method in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Initializes the Order History scene
initInventoryUse(DatabaseConnect) - Static method in class Utils.DatabaseUtils
Initializes inventory useage map.
insertOrderItem(Order) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Inserts an order into the database
insertSoldItem(Order) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Inserts each individual menu item in an order into the solditem database
INVENTORY_DATABASE - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseNames
The name of the Inventory Database
inventoryButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button Button to navigate inventory scene
inventoryButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Button Button to navigate inventory scene
inventoryButton - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Button Button to navigate inventory scene
inventoryButton - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button Button to navigate inventory scene
inventoryButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button Button to navigate inventory scene
inventoryButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Button Button to navigate inventory scene
inventoryController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
InventoryController to load the inventory window
InventoryController - Class in Controller
Controller for the Inventory Screen
InventoryController(SessionData) - Constructor for class Controller.InventoryController
inventoryID - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TableColumn displaying identificaiton numbers of all inventory items
InventoryItem - Class in Items
Internal class representing an item in the inventory
InventoryItem(long, String, long) - Constructor for class Items.InventoryItem
inventoryTable - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TableView of InventoryItem that will display the entire inventory
InventoryUsage - Class in Items
Internal class representing an item in the inventory
InventoryUsage(long, String, double) - Constructor for class Items.InventoryUsage
isManager() - Method in class Utils.SessionData
Determine if the user logging in is a manager
isShowingPin - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
Boolean determining if the pin is hidden
itemName - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TableColumn displaying name of all inventory items
items - Variable in class Items.Order
Map holding each item's name as a key and its coresponding quantity as value.
Items - package Items
This package contains all the classes that are used to create the items that are displayed in the GUI


location - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
URL location of the FXML file that was given to the FXMLLoader
login - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
loginButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Log into the database and switch scenes.
loginController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
LoginController to load the Order window
LoginController - Class in Controller
Controller for the Login Screen
LoginController() - Constructor for class Controller.LoginController
LoginController(SessionData) - Constructor for class Controller.LoginController
loginInitializer() - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Retreives SessionData of the employee who logged in
LoginTransition(ActionEvent, SessionData) - Method in class Utils.SceneSwitch
Loads a the new window bassed on the navigation button pressed.
logoutButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button Button to logout
logoutButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Button Button to logout
logoutButton - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Button Button to logout
logoutButton - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button Button to logout
logoutButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button Button to logout
logoutButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Button Button to logout


main(String[]) - Static method in class Main
The classic main function
main(String[]) - Static method in class OldMain
The classic main function
Main - Class in Unnamed Package
This Main Class serves as the entry point for the POS System Application.
Main() - Constructor for class Main
Manager - Enum constant in enum class Utils.EmployeeRole
Manager view
MAX_PIN_LENGTH - Static variable in class Controller.LoginController
Max number of digits that PIN can hold
MENU_ITEM_DATABASE - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseNames
The name of the Menu Item Database
menuID - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TableColumn displaying the ID number of MenuItem
MenuItem - Class in Items
An individual menu item
MenuItem(long, String, double, long) - Constructor for class Items.MenuItem
menuItem1 - Variable in class Items.SalesTogetherRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the Menu Item #1 Item
menuItem2 - Variable in class Items.SalesTogetherRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the Menu Item #2
menuItemButtonOnClick(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Handles the button click event for the menu items
menuItems - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Map of the menu items Elements: <id, <name, price>>
menuName - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TableColumn displaying the name of the MenuItem
menuPane - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
FlowPane FlowPane that holds the menu items
menuPrice - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TableColumn displaying the price of the MenuItem
menuTable - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TableView of MenuItem to display


name - Variable in class Items.InventoryItem
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the item
name - Variable in class Items.InventoryUsage
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the item
name - Variable in class Items.MenuItem
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the Menu Item
name - Variable in class Items.RestockReportRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the item.
name - Variable in class Items.SalesReportRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the Menu Item
navButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Handle switching scenes through the navigation bar
navButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Handle switching scenes through the navigation bar
navButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.EmployeeController
Handles switching scenes
navButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Handles switching to a new scene
navButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Handle loading a new window when a navigation button
navButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Navigates to the scene specified by the button clicked
num0 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num1 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num2 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num3 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num4 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num5 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num6 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num7 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num8 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
num9 - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
numberSold - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TableColumn displaying the quantity of MenuItem sold
numSold - Variable in class Items.MenuItem
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the number of sales for that Menu Item
numSold - Variable in class Items.SalesReportRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the number of sales for that Menu Item
numSold - Variable in class Items.SalesTogetherRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the number of sales for that Menu Item


OldMain - Class in Unnamed Package
OldMain() - Constructor for class OldMain
onBackspace(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Handles pressing LoginController.backspace
onPinBoxTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Handle typing directly into LoginController.pinBox
onShowPin(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Toggles between showing and hidding the pin
order - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Order being completed
order - Variable in class Utils.SessionData
Represents the current Order being processed
Order - Class in Items
This class handles the Order Item.
Order() - Constructor for class Items.Order
Construct an Order
Order(long) - Constructor for class Items.Order
Construct an Order
Order(long, long) - Constructor for class Items.Order
Construct an Order
ORDER_ITEM_DATABASE - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseNames
The name of the Order Item Database
orderBox - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Holds the order item buttons
orderButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button Button to navigate order scene
orderButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Button Button to navigate order scene
orderButton - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Button Button to navigate order scene
orderButton - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button Button to navigate order scene
orderButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button Button to navigate order scene
orderButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Button Button to navigate order scene
orderController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
OrderController to load the Order window
OrderController - Class in Controller
.Controller for the Order Screen
OrderController(SessionData) - Constructor for class Controller.OrderController
orderDate - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
TableColumn to display order date
orderDate - Variable in class Items.OrderRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the date of when the order was made.
orderHistoryButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button Button to navigate order history scene
orderHistoryButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Button Button to navigate order history scene
orderHistoryButton - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Button Button to navigate order history scene
orderHistoryButton - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button Button to navigate order history scene
orderHistoryButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button Button to navigate order history scene
orderHistoryButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Button Button to navigate order history scene
orderHistoryController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
OrderHistoryController to load the order history window
OrderHistoryController - Class in Controller
Controller for the Order History Screen
OrderHistoryController(SessionData) - Constructor for class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Constructor for OrderHistoryController
orderHistoryTable - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
TableView of OrderRow to display order history
orderHistoryTextBox - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
TextArea to display order details
orderID - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
TableColumn to display order ID
orderID - Variable in class Items.Order
Indentification number of the order
orderID - Variable in class Items.OrderRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the identification number of the order.
orderID - Variable in class Items.ZRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Long storing the order ID
OrderRow - Class in Items
Handle displaying the Order in the GUI
OrderRow(long, String, String, double, String) - Constructor for class Items.OrderRow
orderScrollPane - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
ScrollPane ScrollPane that holds the orderBox
orderTotal - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
TableColumn to display order total
orderTotal - Variable in class Items.OrderRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Double holding the total price of the order.


parseRecipe(String[]) - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Parses the recipe list into a Map maping from Long to Long.
password - Variable in class Utils.DatabaseConnect
String password credentials
password - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseLoginInfo
The password credentials
pinBox - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
TextField to input the PIN
pinNumber - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
Represents current typed PIN
price - Variable in class Items.MenuItem
SimpleObjectProperty of Double holding the price of the Menu Item


quantity - Variable in class Items.InventoryItem
SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the quantity of the item
quantity - Variable in class Items.InventoryUsage
SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the usage of the item
quantity - Variable in class Items.RestockReportRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Integer holding the quantity of the item.
quantityCol - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TableColumn displaying the quantity of all inventory items


randomID - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
TableColumn displaying the identification number of all Employees
randomID - Variable in class Items.EmployeeRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Long storing the identification number of the Employee
RECIPE_ITEM_DATABASE - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseNames
The name of the Recipe Item Database
refreshPage() - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Refreshes the front-end
removeItem(String, double) - Method in class Items.Order
Removes an item from the order
removeItemButtonOnClick(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Remove an item from the Order when the dynamically created Button is pressed
removeItemsFromRecipe(long) - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Remove all recipe items from the recipe table that have a specified menu ID number
reportButtonClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Handle switching scenes through the report query window
reportID - Variable in class Items.ZRow
SimpleObjectProperty of Long storing the identification number of the Z-row table
resources - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
ResourceBundle the was given to the FXMLLoader
restockReportController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
RestockReport to load the restock report window
RestockReportRow - Class in Items
RestockReportRow(int, String, int) - Constructor for class Items.RestockReportRow
role - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
TableColumn displaying the roles of all Employees
role - Variable in class Items.EmployeeRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String storing the role of the Employee


salesReportButton - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Button to switch to SalesReport
salesReportController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
SalesReport to load the sales report window
SalesReportRow - Class in Items
An individual menu item
SalesReportRow(long, String, long) - Constructor for class Items.SalesReportRow
salesTogetherReportController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
SalesTogetherReport to load the sales together report window
SalesTogetherRow - Class in Items
Entry for the Sales Together Report
SalesTogetherRow(String, String, long) - Constructor for class Items.SalesTogetherRow
sceneSwitch - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Switches between scenes or tabs
sceneSwitch - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Switches between scenes or tabs
sceneSwitch - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Switches between scenes or tabs
sceneSwitch - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Switches between scenes or tabs
sceneSwitch - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
Switches between scenes or tabs
sceneSwitch - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Switches between scenes or tabs
sceneSwitch - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Switches between scenes or tabs
SceneSwitch - Class in Utils
The class handles switching scenes when the Navigation buttons are pressed.
SceneSwitch(SessionData) - Constructor for class Utils.SceneSwitch
Server - Enum constant in enum class Utils.EmployeeRole
Server view
session - Variable in class Controller.DataTrendsController
Current session data
session - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
Current session data
session - Variable in class Controller.EmployeeController
Current session data
session - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Current session data
session - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
Current session data
session - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Current session data
session - Variable in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Current session data
session - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
SessionData to pass information between the various scenes
SessionData - Class in Utils
Bundle of Information that gets passed between scenes
SessionData(DatabaseConnect, long, Order) - Constructor for class Utils.SessionData
SessionData(DatabaseConnect, long, Order, String) - Constructor for class Utils.SessionData
setCustomerName(String) - Method in class Items.Order
setOrderId(long) - Method in class Items.Order
setPin(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.LoginController
Sets the LoginController.pinNumber when a pin input Button is pressed
setUpDatabase() - Method in class Utils.DatabaseConnect
Initialize DatabaseConnect.conn and established a connection to the database.
setUpTable() - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Initialized the columns for EditMenuController.menuTable
setUpTable() - Method in class Controller.EmployeeController
Set up columns in the EmployeeController.employeeTable
setUpTable() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
setUpTable() - Method in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
Sets up the table to display order history
showPin - Variable in class Controller.LoginController
ToggleButton that triggers LoginController.onShowPin(ActionEvent)
SOLD_ITEM_DATABASE - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseNames
The name of the Sold Item Database
start(Stage) - Method in class Main
Load the graphical user interface
start(Stage) - Method in class OldMain
Load the graphical user interface
submitOrderButton - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Button to submit the order
submitOrderOnClick() - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Handles the buttom click event for the submit order button.
switchReportScene(ActionEvent) - Method in class Utils.SceneSwitch
Switch to the Report Window
switchScene(ActionEvent) - Method in class Utils.SceneSwitch
Loads a new Controller based on which navigation button was pressed


totalCost - Variable in class Items.Order
Total cost of the order
totalCostLabel - Variable in class Controller.OrderController
Shows total cost of the order
totalSales - Variable in class Items.ZRow
SimpleObjectProperty of String storing the total sales for that day


updateCostText - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to update a MenuItem
updateIDText - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to update a MenuItem
updateInventory() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Updates the actual database through the InventoryController.database
updateInventory(Order) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Update the inventory count based on an Order
updateItem - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
Button update inventory button.
updateItemButton - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
updateItemClicked(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Update existing item in the menuitem table.
updateItemID - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TextField to allow managers to update stock through the item's name
updateItemQuant - Variable in class Controller.InventoryController
TextField to allow managers to update stock
updateMenuItem(Order) - Method in class Controller.OrderController
Updates the menuitem database based on an Order
updateNameText - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to update a MenuItem
updatePin() - Method in class Controller.LoginController
updateRecipeText - Variable in class Controller.EditMenuController
TextField to allow for user input to update a MenuItem
updateTable() - Method in class Controller.EditMenuController
Updates EditMenuController.menuTable in the Graphical User Interface
updateTable() - Method in class Controller.EmployeeController
Update EmployeeController.employeeTable in the Graphical User Interface
updateTable() - Method in class Controller.InventoryController
Updates the InventoryController.inventoryTable in the Graphical User Interface
updateTable() - Method in class Controller.OrderHistoryController
username - Variable in class Utils.DatabaseConnect
String user name credentials
username - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseLoginInfo
The user name credentials
Utils - package Utils
This package holds the Utils for JavaFX


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class Utils.EmployeeRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class Utils.EmployeeRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


xzReportController - Variable in class Utils.SceneSwitch
XZReport to load the XZ report window


ZREPORT_DATABASE - Static variable in class Utils.DatabaseNames
The name of the Z Report Database
ZRow - Class in Items
Controller for the Z Row List screen.
ZRow(Long, String, String, Long, Date) - Constructor for class Items.ZRow
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