Package Controller

Class EmployeeController


public class EmployeeController extends Object
Controller for the Employee Screen
  • Field Details

    • session

      private SessionData session
      Current session data
      See Also:
    • database

      private DatabaseConnect database
      Connection to the database
      See Also:
    • sceneSwitch

      private SceneSwitch sceneSwitch
      Switches between scenes or tabs
      See Also:
    • resources

      private ResourceBundle resources
      ResourceBundle the was given to the FXMLLoader
    • location

      private URL location
      URL location of the FXML file that was given to the FXMLLoader
    • orderButton

      private javafx.scene.control.Button orderButton
      Button Button to navigate order scene
    • orderHistoryButton

      private javafx.scene.control.Button orderHistoryButton
      Button Button to navigate order history scene
    • inventoryButton

      private javafx.scene.control.Button inventoryButton
      Button Button to navigate inventory scene
    • employeesButton

      private javafx.scene.control.Button employeesButton
      Button Button to navigate employees scene
    • editMenuButton

      private javafx.scene.control.Button editMenuButton
      Button Button to navigate edit menu scene
    • dataTrendsButton

      private javafx.scene.control.Button dataTrendsButton
      Button Button to navigate to the data trends scene
    • logoutButton

      private javafx.scene.control.Button logoutButton
      Button Button to logout
    • employeeTable

      private javafx.scene.control.TableView<EmployeeRow> employeeTable
      TableView of EmployeeRow to display the Employee database
    • randomID

      private javafx.scene.control.TableColumn<EmployeeRow,Long> randomID
      TableColumn displaying the identification number of all Employees
    • employeeName

      private javafx.scene.control.TableColumn<EmployeeRow,String> employeeName
      TableColumn displaying the name of all Employees
    • role

      private javafx.scene.control.TableColumn<EmployeeRow,EmployeeRole> role
      TableColumn displaying the roles of all Employees
    • employeePin

      private javafx.scene.control.TableColumn<EmployeeRow,Integer> employeePin
      TableColumn displaying the pin number of all Employees
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize()
    • setUpTable

      private void setUpTable()
      Set up columns in the employeeTable
    • updateTable

      private void updateTable()
      Update employeeTable in the Graphical User Interface
    • getEmployees

      private javafx.collections.ObservableList<EmployeeRow> getEmployees()
      Gets all Employees in the database
      ObservableList of EmployeeRow