All Classes and Interfaces

This class establishes a connection to the database and performs queries.
Additionally, it will update the Inventory automatically based on Order.
Holds information to connect to the database
Names of all the databases in this project
Utilities for the database.
This class handles the data trends scene/tab of the GUI
Controller for the Edit Menu Screen
Controller for the Employee Screen
Role of the Employee logging in
Controller for the Employee List screen.
Controller for the Inventory Screen
Internal class representing an item in the inventory
Internal class representing an item in the inventory
Controller for the Login Screen
This Main Class serves as the entry point for the POS System Application.
An individual menu item
This class handles the Order Item.
.Controller for the Order Screen
Controller for the Order History Screen
Handle displaying the Order in the GUI
An individual menu item
Entry for the Sales Together Report
The class handles switching scenes when the Navigation buttons are pressed.
Bundle of Information that gets passed between scenes
Controller for the Z Row List screen.