Package Items

Class OrderRow


public class OrderRow extends Object
Handle displaying the Order in the GUI
  • Field Details

    • orderID

      private final<Long> orderID
      SimpleObjectProperty of Long holding the identification number of the order.
    • customerName

      private final<String> customerName
      SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the customer making the order.
    • orderDate

      private final<String> orderDate
      SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the date of when the order was made.
    • orderTotal

      private final<Double> orderTotal
      SimpleObjectProperty of Double holding the total price of the order.
    • employeeName

      private final<String> employeeName
      SimpleObjectProperty of String holding the name of the employee completing the order
  • Constructor Details

    • OrderRow

      public OrderRow(long orderID, String customerName, String orderDate, double orderTotal, String employeeName)
      orderID - id number of the order
      customerName - name of the customer
      orderDate - date the order was made
      orderTotal - total cost of the order
      employeeName - name of the employee completing the order
  • Method Details