* Represents the Order page component
* @param {Object} props - The props object
* @param {boolean} props.isManager - Flag indicating if the user is a manager
* @returns {JSX.Element} - The rendered component
import React, {useState} from "react";
import CheckoutPanel from "../../components/CheckoutPanel";
import EmployeeNav from "../../components/EmployeeNav";
import OrderItemPane from "../../components/OrderItemPane";
import PageProtector from "../../components/PageProtector";
* The format of the Cart object
* @typedef {Object} Cart
* @property {number[]} total - An array with the total cost of the cart
* @property {Object.<string, any[]>} items - An object where the keys are cart IDs and the values are arrays with name, number, cost per item, item ID, and excluded items
function Order(props) {
const isManager = props.isManager;
* Format of Cart
* {
* total : [total cost],
* items : {cartID : [name, number, cost per, itemID, excluded items]},
* }
* The current cart object
* @type {Cart}
const currCart = localStorage.getItem("cart");
const [cart, setCart] = useState(currCart ? JSON.parse(currCart) : {total: [0], items: {}});
* Adds an item to the cart
* @param {Object} item - The item to be added to the cart
* @param {Array} excludeItems - An array with the items to be excluded from the item being added
function addToCart(item, excludeItems) {
let cartID = Object.keys(cart.items).length > 0 ? parseInt(Object.keys(cart.items)[Object.keys(cart.items).length - 1]) + 1 : 0;
console.log("add to cart clicked ->", item.name, excludeItems, cartID);
let newCart = {...cart};
//create entry in cart if it doesn't exist and excluded items is different
for (let key in newCart.items) {
if (newCart.items[key][0] === item.name && JSON.stringify(newCart.items[key][4]) === JSON.stringify(excludeItems)) {
newCart.items[key][1] += 1;
newCart.total[0] += Number(item.cost);
localStorage.setItem("cart", JSON.stringify(newCart));
//update cart entry
newCart.items[cartID] = [item.name, 1, item.cost, item.id, excludeItems];
newCart.total[0] += Number(item.cost);
localStorage.setItem("cart", JSON.stringify(newCart));
* Empties the cart
function emptyCart() {
setCart({total: [0], items: {}});
localStorage.setItem("cart", JSON.stringify({total: [0], items: {}}));
* Removes an item from the cart
* @param {string} cartID - The ID of the item to be removed
function removeFromCart(cartID) {
console.log("remove from cart clicked ->", cartID);
let newCart = {...cart};
newCart.total[0] -= newCart.items[cartID][2];
if (newCart.items[cartID][1] > 1)
newCart.items[cartID][1] -= 1;
delete newCart.items[cartID];
localStorage.setItem("cart", JSON.stringify(newCart));
return (
<div className="empOrderPage">
<EmployeeNav isManager={isManager} current={"order"} />
<OrderItemPane addToCart={addToCart}></OrderItemPane>
<CheckoutPanel cart={cart} emptyCart={emptyCart} removeFromCart={removeFromCart} />
</div >
export default Order;