import React, {useState} from "react";
import DatePicker from "react-datepicker";
import "react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.css";
import {useNavigate} from 'react-router-dom';
import DatabaseTablePane from "../../components/DatabaseTablePane";
import EmployeeNav from "../../components/EmployeeNav";
import '../../styles/employee.scss';
import {endpoints} from "../../utils/apiEndpoints";
import {HOST} from "../../utils/host";
import PageProtector from "../../components/PageProtector";
* React component for generating excess report
* @module ExcessRep
* @param {object} props - Component props
* @param {boolean} props.isManager - Determines if the user is a manager or not
* @return {JSX.Element} - Returns JSX code for Excess Report component
function ExcessRep(props) {
* Determines if the user is a manager or not
* @type {boolean}
const isManager = props.isManager;
* State hook to store excess report table data
* @type {Array}
const [excessRepTable, setExcessRepTable] = useState([]);
* State hook to store start date of excess report
* @type {Date|null}
const [startDate, setStartDate] = useState(null);
* State hook to store selected start date of excess report
* @type {Date|null}
const [selectedStartDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(null);
const navigate = useNavigate();
* Event handler for changing start date of excess report
* @function
* @param {Date} date - Selected date for excess report start date
* @returns {void}
const handleStartDateChange = (date) => {
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
const day = date.getDate();
setStartDate(`${ year }-${ month.toString().padStart(2, "0") }-${ day.toString().padStart(2, "0") }`);
* @function async
* Fetch the table from server and set the table state
async function genReport() {
const today = new Date();
const year = today.getFullYear();
const month = today.getMonth() + 1;
const day = today.getDate();
const endDate = `${ year }-${ month.toString().padStart(2, "0") }-${ day.toString().padStart(2, "0") }`;
const url = `${ HOST }${ endpoints.getExcess }?startDate=${ startDate }&endDate=${ endDate }`;
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Network Response not OK");
return response.json();
.then(data => {
const table = <DatabaseTablePane data={data} />;
* Navigate hook to go to the default reports page
function navigateOrderPage() {
return (
<div className="empOrderPage">
<EmployeeNav isManager={isManager}></EmployeeNav>
<div className="repDiv">
<div className="repHead">
<div className="backDiv">
<button title="Back to menu category list" data-cy="SubNavBack" className="backButton" onClick={navigateOrderPage}>
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M14.09 22L5 12l9.09-10" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<div aria-hidden="true" className="backText">
<h2>Excess Report</h2>
<div className="excessRepDate">
<h5>Enter Start Date</h5>
placeholderText="Start Date"
<button className="goButton" onClick={genReport}>Go</button>
<div className="repBody">
<div className="excessRepTable">
export default ExcessRep;